Leaning into Compassion, Gratitude, and Joy Enhances our Own Sense of Well-Being



As this pandemic continues, we are all reacting in different ways . Some are adjusting well to staying at home and living simply. There are some who are beginning to find true meaning in what is really important in their lives. For many that meaning is found in the gathering (virtually) - and sometimes reconnecting with family, extended family and close friends. Some young parents who have been working outside of the home, are finding meaning in spending more time at home. Others are living with incredible, almost crippling, fear and anxiety. And some are overcome with unimaginable sadness and grief. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you find yourself, or somewhere in between, now more than ever is a time for care and compassion for self and others .

There’s plenty we can do for our self-care, health, and wellbeing besides following the recommended hygiene protocols with which we are all familiar. Taking a walk, going for a run, practicing yoga, riding a bike, listening to and even dancing to music, gardening and other movement activities can get the nervous system out of a freeze (immobility) state and also benefit your heart. Pack a picnic, for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Healthy eating, staying hydrated, meditating, praying, keeping community connections and journaling are good ways to nourish the mind, body and soul. Keeping a light heart is key . This moment is an opportunity (unwelcome though it may be) to practice patience with ourselves and others.  We can recognize that our dissatisfaction with the way things are is normal during these chaotic times, and extend self-compassion . We realize that we, our loved ones, and friends are all together in this situation- they also deserve our patience.

Respecting the order to stay at home offers a chance to practice compassion for ourselves and others. Each time we wash our hands or wipe down a counter we're expressing compassion – the underlying wish that we, our family, and our community be free from harm. Free from the Coronavirus! Every time we hold back on a trip to the store or avoid contact with others, this too is a practice of our compassion.

The sudden storm of Covid-19 has ransacked our homes, shaking up our patterns, beliefs and ways of being. As we navigate this unprecedented experience, we can create a new way of being with ourselves and each other that acknowledges our interconnectedness . By practicing mindfulness and compassion, each of us can contribute a small thread towards a colorful tapestry of a more loving and kind world.

With self-compassion we can embrace our fears and anxiety. We are human and experiencing fear and anxiety is a very normal response to our situation today . Embrace all of your emotions: joy, contentment, laughter, sadness, anger, fear, anxiety. These emotions can be typically part of our day.

These times call for gratitude for so many whom we know and don’t know. Many are supporting us, even at personal risk . So many are stepping up to answer the call for help. How grateful I am! We can hold it all in compassion and love....

I hope you can take many moments each day to pause and drop down into your experience; into the silence and stillness - and there find a response of calmness. I hope you can get curious and recall something that brought you joy today. Noting what brings you joy can help dissolve the chronic angst and fear so prevalent these days.

In Gratitude,
